Ireland wants a public sex offenses registry because “nobody wants to see a convicted sex offender in their community”

Source: 3/10/25

Newly elected Limerick TD Conor Sheehan has welcomed the opportunity to further explore proposals to introduce a register for those convicted of serious sexual assault or domestic violence.

However, the Labour TD has warned that Ireland needs a justice system that doesn’t encourage vigilantism. 

TD Sheehan supports discussion on the sex offender register:

Reacting to proposals by Justice Minister Jim O’Callaghan to establish a register of those convicted of rape, serious sexual assault, or domestic violence which would be available to the public, Deputy Sheehan said: “It’s an idea that needs to be teased through properly, and I would welcome any proposals that may come before the Justice Committee to allow members of the committee to fully interrogate them.” 

“Gender-based and domestic violence is at an all-time high. It’s an absolute epidemic and we need to do a hell of a lot more,” he stated. 

Privacy and Vigilantism Concerns Raised:

According to Deputy Sheehan, a register might bring more reassurance, however, it does come with privacy concerns.

“It [the register] would give people who are survivors a sense of comfort and a sense of certainty. I mean nobody wants to see a convicted sex offender in their community,” he stated. 

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How much more obvious does this attempt to Legislate a Bill of Pains and Penalties need to be?

“Nobody wants a…” So they want to create a way for people to banish these undesirables from their neighborhoods.

“Gender Based Violence and Domestic Violence…” So instead of actually attempting to address these problems, they’ll wait to find out that this has occurred, then make the perpetrator’s life as miserable as anyone that knows about it wants to make it!

“…would give people who are survivors a sense of comfort and a sense of certainty…” – How?

“Sense of comfort” Comforted by knowing this person will be subjected to a lifetime of revenge by proxy?

“Certainty” of what, other than the proxy revenge? Certain that their victimizer will never subject their next GF/Wife to the same violence they suffered, because their victimizer will spend the rest of their life being ostracized, politely?

Oh oh oh even better! Don’t wait to find out these things have happened, instead….

Have Big Brother AI analyze all Social Media posts, as well as, all text messages and compare them to the data collected from known abusers and victims…looking for patterns that indicate….

It’s not even possible in Ireland because that country is a member of the EU. And since they’re involved with that organization, all citizens living in Ireland have the “right to be forgotten.”

Serious sexual assault and domestic violence? What about all the offenses that are not a serious sexual assault, like Romeo and Juliet, Indecent Exposure, sexting? Here in the US, even those are publicly listed. So, are we really the only country that puts just about anyone on the registry? In addition, “nobody wants to see a convicted PFR in their community….”. Well, guess what, with a public registry, you still will not know if a PFR is in the mall, on a bus, in a movie theater, in a park, at the beach, etc. You will only know where they live in proximity to you, but there are a million other places they can be at any given time, and you will never know! That’s why the registry is absolutely useless,

Know what you’ll never see in Ireland? Bill for harsher penalties for anything to do with drinking. The national symbol is an Ale Mug!

Does this mean Rosie O’Donnell’s daughter will have to register if she visits her mother?

And in case anyone has forgotten: Chelsea O’Donnell accused Rosie of nearly attacking her with a wine bottle, as well as of years of emotional abuse.